A Brief Guide To Nutrients, Diet And Aging

November 25, 2018 • By Sophia Smith

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As you or your parents and relatives start to get older, health and physical maintenance become a top priority essential to enjoying a high quality of life in one's later years. If you're part of the younger generation, for whom yoga, organic vegetables and exercise classes are a regular part of life, you may think that healthy living is a breeze. Just remember that your parents grew up in a different time when smoking on planes was normal and if someone was running, it meant they were late or being chased.

In this post, we'll discuss the best way for seniors to get the nutrients they need, and how to put together – andstick with –a healthy diet on a day-to-day basis.

The Issue

Treating yourself to a drink and a decadent meal once in a while is totally fine as you age, but most meals should be considered as fuel for the body that will give you the best energy for your golden years. Therefore, consistent access to nutrient-rich, tasty, healthy food is a massively important goal to pursue. While some folks may not associate healthy food with tasty food, the truth is that a talented chef should be able to bring those two qualities together. Chefs with Red-Seal certification, for example, are expected to bring quality, creativity and professionalism to a kitchen, meaning your food will put a smile on your face and give your body the nutrients it needs to maintain strength and a healthy immune system.   

2 Potential Solutions

  • High-end retirement residenceswith thoughtful menus

At a certain point in the aging process, it’s often wise to move into an assisted living situation in a retirement residence. If this is the route that you choose to pursue, make sure to do a lot of research and visit several centres before making your decision. Often big seniors centre chains are focused on providing value for their investors, rather than quality for their clients. This can often result in the food being below par – neither nutritious nor delicious. Not only does this compromise residents' health, but it also discourages them from eating, which can lead to premature health problems. Check out Allseniorscare.com for an example of retirement residences that go the extra mile to provide food that is rich in nutrients, fresh and super tasty. Nutritional supplements can make a positive difference as well, but they're no substitute for hot, home-cooked food.

  • Live in assistance or shared family living

Inviting your parents to live with you in their later years is an option that some folks pursue. When you live in the same residence with your parents, you can make sure they have the opportunity to take in enough calcium, folate or vitamin C – all nutrients that are essential for seniors. Alternatively, you might be inclined to hire a live-in nurse to cook healthy meals and provide baseline care as required. As with retirement residences, it’s important to interview and carefully scrutinize your options before making a final decision.

Along with exercise and community support, diet is one of the top factors for mood and overall health. By following nutrient rich recipes and hiring a trustworthy, talented cook, you can enjoy delicious meals and eat healthy in your retirement years. Additionally, buying a few cookbooks and developing your skills in the kitchen can be a fun and educational hobby – it’s never too late to learn!

Sophia Smith

She is a renowned nutritionist and freelance writer whose topics of interest include healthy living and healthy eating. She is passionate about introducing new and delicious healthy meals while balancing her time between cooking and going to the gym. Her mission is to change the life of as many people as she can and make them the best version of themselves.
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