Break ups And Reunions

January 30, 2019 • By Sophia Smith

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Breaking up with your partner is always a disastrous event. Sometimes it may be quite surprising to see your girl packing her bags and saying “goodbye dude, it’s over”.  You fall into a panic and feel that there is no solid ground in the world anymore. However, if your partner decides to break up with you, it isn't necessarily the end.

Statistically, 66% of exes want to get back together again. 50% of separated couples reunite. That happens because people having troubles with their sweethearts make a rash decision to leave but you can take your girl back, even when she has been thinking about this for months. Here we will show you tips on how to fix a broken relationship. If you want to find your love you must realize that it is all about respect and understanding your beloved one. (1)

Accepting The Situation

Sometimes people can't understand that their partner doesn't want to be with them anymore. They can't believe it. Some try to deal with their grief with the help of alcohol and some people even consider suicide. Sure, it is difficult to cope with the emotional emptiness after a separation. On the other hand, drowning in the tears of heartache will hardly help you save your relationship.

You have to calm down, regardless of how hard it will be.  The amalgamation of affection, insult, and intimate memories sometimes  doesn't allow us to assess the situation rationally. Get rid of the panic and accept that you are alone right now. Realize that life does not end with a break up. If you manage to do so, it will be far simpler to decide what to do next. Afterwards, you need to think  about what made your partner leave you.

However, in some cases, you need to decide whether you really want to get back with your ex-girlfriend. If she was cheating on you with another guy, it would be better to leave her alone. However, maybe you split up because you were completely different from one another. For example, she loves parties, she loves wild nights in clubs but you do not support her interests. You used to communicate with girls on online dating sites like that victoria dating site for example, but you would never make someone’s acquaintance in the club. In this case, find a person who shares your interests and views. Trying to restore a relationship hoping for the person to change her views is often a bad idea.

Understanding The Reasons

When you have cooled down a little bit, it is high time to analyze the relationship struggles. You have to determine the main troubles which stand between you and your girl. The biggest resentment over a boyfriend may come from his immaturity. For example, if a person spends a lot of time on computer games sacrificing really important activities such as job, the woman will sooner or later get tired of it. She does not feel secure. She feels she cannot rely on you because you act like a child. A woman needs a strong, masculine individual who would be able to defend her in any situation. If she doesn't see such a man in you, it’s a real problem.

Other factors may be the following:

  • Lack of faithfulness
  • Everyday arguments
  • Inability to hold promises

It is also worth mentioning that people oftentimes stop paying attention to their soul mates over the course of time. They think of their  job, children, problems, duties, and routine. They consider their love and marriage, for instance, as a fact of life. People get tough with each other. They do not bother being romantic anymore. They give gifts to each other only on special occasions. They think it is all in the past, we are already married. It is absolutely the wrong approach which ruins families and couples.

Bearing these factors in mind, try to realize what the issue was in particular. Or try talking to your ex after a breakup. Start the discussion softly and rationally. It would be best if she told you what irritated her or what actions of yours were unacceptable to her. (2)

How To Fix Relationships?

After you have determined your flaws that caused the separation, you need to act. Very often, people, who have failed in their relationships, start immediately begging for forgiveness. Guys try to call their ex-girlfriends all the time and humble themselves. In fact, such pathetic behavior will only scare her away. If you want her to say “yes” to you again, pause. Give her time to pick up her thoughts. Let her be by herself. She will likely start watching “about-love movies” and regret splitting up with you. If she is happy with her decision, then you have to show her she is wrong. (3)

Improve Yourself

While you are leaving your ex alone for a while, use this time wisely and become a better version of yourself. You need to understand that any relationship falls apart when somebody quits developing themselves. Imagine your partner got promoted several times. She worked hard and made great achievements. Now imagine you were lying on the sofa all the time. Your inaction and lack of ambitions drove her crazy. She could not see a prosperous future with you.

You have to show her you have become better. Be honest with yourself, make a list of your flaws and try to get rid of them. For example, if you are lazy, sort it out and find a new well-paid job. If you look like a threadbare beggar, then fix it. Become more attractive, dress with care and improve your style. If you feel you are too shy, then change it. Go somewhere with your friends, try karaoke. It doesn't matter whether you can sing or not. Go to the street and talk to people. Start attending a gym. In other words, develop yourself.

Arrange A Meeting

While finding a new job may take some time, it is possible to manage other things in a couple of weeks. Don't spend too long without reminding her about you. Show her you made improvements. How should you do that? Well, nowadays, everyone has profiles on social networks. Everyone uses Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you have a profile, post evidence of your brilliance. She is definitely watching your page. 

If you do not know how to get back together after a breakup naturally, just call her or send a message first. Fix an appointment. If you make her understand what a marvelous guy she lost, she will likely agree to meet with you. Invite her to a restaurant. A girl eating a tasty delicious meal is always comfortable and relaxed. Move the conversation on to a heart-to-heart talk. Make her understand she is important to you. Also, let her express her opinion. Listen to your ex-girl carefully. Be nice, patient, and caring. Show her you are strong as well. Make her feel she speaks to a man, not a boy.

Surprise Your Partner

Before arranging a meeting, think of something she loves. Recall the things that make her happy. Maybe it is a hobby, a special meal. Take care of the atmosphere. Depending on her temper, make it calm and relaxing, or plan an active pastime. Make this evening happy and memorable.  Presenting her an item symbolizing your reunion will be a pleasant gesture but don't go overboard.

Make A Restart

If you do everything right, you will make a very good impression. It will make her think of you as her friend or boyfriend. Act in accordance with the situation. In fact, deciding what to say when someone breaks up with you is not a big deal. Say you really need her. Say that you want to keep in touch with her. It is very likely that she will agree to become friends. Believe us, it is a good starting point. Being her friend, you let her learn that you are new. Show her your new personality, that you are strong, confident, and reliable. It is a great opportunity to cozy up to her again. This gives you a lot more space for action in the future. Make her your conquest. Spend time with her, and support her in any situation. Praise her endeavors. Make her feel like she didn't have a care in the world, and never put pressure on her.

Saving Relationship In The Future

Over the course of time, she will be ready to reunite with you. If you become a couple again, do not make the mistakes you did before. Both of you should work to save and then strengthen your relationship. Help each other, be attentive. Support each other. As a man, you have to do the legwork. She has to see it in your actions. This may not necessarily mean that you have to make heroic deeds all the time. Just show your love. For example, if you both go to work and she comes home later than you, prepare her favorite meal. Cuddle her and say she is beautiful. If you notice she is looking down, patiently try to know what happened. Cheer her up and make her forget about her troubles and solve them.

Spend weekends together. Go for a picnic, go to the cinema. Go off on a journey. Make your life together fresh, interesting, and happy. Apply these suggestions whether you are dating or have been married for tens of years. It is a recipe to save your relationship and reach your golden wedding anniversary.

Sophia Smith

She is a renowned nutritionist and freelance writer whose topics of interest include healthy living and healthy eating. She is passionate about introducing new and delicious healthy meals while balancing her time between cooking and going to the gym. Her mission is to change the life of as many people as she can and make them the best version of themselves.
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