Boost Your Immunity With Lemon, Honey And Garlic Natural Tonic

March 29, 2022 • By Sophia Smith

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garlic honey and lemon

As modernization grows, everyone is concerned about their health, no matter their age. Fortunately, we have superfoods such as garlic and honey that come directly from nature, which can help us treat various ailments.

They even have a better effect when combined as it comes with a garlic honey combination that is believed to make a chemical reaction that is stabilizing the garlic, but it extracts all its antibacterial properties.

They both have antibacterial properties and make a very powerful combination to boost your immunity. Let's see some of their benefits for your overall health. 

Honey Benefits For Immune System

Honey when topically applied was used for healing wounds even in Ancient civilizations. One of the best natural honey is the Manuka honey that is derived from nectar collected by honey bees gathering food on the Manuka tree in New Zealand and is an ingredient in modern licensed products for healing wounds around the world. (1)

Manuka honey is dark floral honey and its antibacterial properties against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This is due to its Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) which can be even more beneficial when used as a combination treatment with other antimicrobial agents. (2)

It is also important to remember that raw honey is the most beneficial, no matter the type, provided it comes from a trusted producer.

Honey is a golden liquid that can be helpful in a variety of health issues. As already mentioned, even people in Ancient civilization were aware of its benefits as it is packed with many nutrients and antioxidants, including phenolic acids and flavonoids.

Honey may:

  • Improve your heart health, regulate the heartbeat, and may lower the blood pressure (3)
  • Suppress cough, and it is somewhat effective compared to the common cough medications (4)
  • Boosts your immune system, and it is advisable to eat it early in the morning or after a workout to get extra energy
  • It nourishes your skin and hair, especially useful for dry skin, and it is very easy to apply
  • Heals wounds and treats bruises and cuts as it is a natural anti-septic
  • It gives you needed energy for the day as it is an unprocessed raw sugar
  • Help you with weight management, and it is quite helpful when consumed on an empty stomach in the morning

Garlic Benefits For Immune System

On the other hand, when it comes to garlic, scientists from Washington University found that one ingredient in garlic is a hundred times more effective than the antibiotic in fighting bacteria, especially in one bacterium that causes intestinal disease, Campylobacter bacterium. (5)

Allicin, garlic's most beneficial ingredient, can be helpful in:

  • Improving digestion
  • Boosting your immunity (6)
  • Fighting bacteria and preventing cold and flu
  • Eliminating toxins from your body improves the liver health
  • Lowering the blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Improving many cardiovascular diseases

What Happens If We Eat Garlic And Honey On An Empty Stomach?

This combination might be beneficial for the overall health, as is already stated above, but this combination, when eaten raw, can be used as a home remedy for losing weight. In addition, it will detoxify your body and improve digestion, although it is not very appealing to taste, and you might need some time to get used to it.

Besides, the help in weight loss, it will help you with:

  • Protection against viruses, colds, and flues due to their powerful antiviral properties
  • Protect your brain against dementia and Alzheimer's as garlic and honey are rich in antioxidants (7)
  • Promote heart health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases (8)

It is always better to use raw garlic and raw honey as they have a better nutritional profile and are more effective than cooked ones.

Honey is fat-free, but it is a great energy booster, and it will help you curb stomach contractions.

How to Prepare The Weight Loss Booster?

All you need is:

  • Some raw or organic honey
  • Lean and fresh peeled garlic cloves


  • Put the garlic cloves in a clean glass jar and cover them with honey. Shake the pot gently after being carefully shut
  • Let it sit for some time and allow the garlic nutrients to be excluded from the honey
  • You can take it as one garlic clove per day on an empty stomach
  • You can crush it with a knife to reap more benefits from it

Garlic Water Benefits

Garlic is not just good to be eaten raw; it is very useful to be consumed in the form of garlic water and to feel the benefits for your health immediately. Still, there are not many human studies conducted about garlic water consumed as garlic tea. Moreover, garlic tea probably doesn't have the same garlic concentrations as garlic extract, garlic oil, or whole garlic.

How to Make Garlic Tea At Home

Garlic tea is a herbal tonic, and it can easily be made at home with simple ingredients that you'll find at any grocery store, including:

  • Three-four cloves of garlic
  • Half a cup of lemon juice
  • Half cup of honey 


  • Pour 3 cups of water  into a saucepan
  • Add the peeled gloved cut in halves
  • Boil them until they get soft
  • When removed from the heat, add the honey and the lemon
  • In the end, remove the garlic and serve it warm (it is typically served hot)
  • You should drink it in moderation as there are some potential side effects if you drink it in high doses.

Some people add ginger to increase its health benefits and to add some warm flavor. In addition, ginger can neutralize the garlic odor.

Garlic Tea Health Benefits

Garlic has been credited as one of the most beneficial cures for almost all diseases. Some of them are not scientifically backed up. Garlic tea is probably not as much beneficial as raw garlic, but it is believed to be beneficial for the following health conditions:

  • It may boost immunity (with the help of Allicin has antifungal and antibacterial properties)  (9)
  • Prevents and treats cancer
  • Weight loss  ( it stimulates the metabolism)
  • Boosts energy
  • Cures infections and common cold(11)
  • Treats heart disease(12)
  • Reduce cholesterol and lowers blood pressure
  • Treat vaginal yeast infections
  • Alleviates the mouth ulcers
  • Improves exercise performance
  • Fights  atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Honey Garlic Lemon Tonic For Cold And Flu

If you look for a natural and delicious cold remedy, this hot drink should be on top of your list as they are proven for their antibacterial properties.

Honey is one of the best known natural remedies for soothing sore throat and this study has even shown that it is more effective than common cold suppressants. (13)  It is very effective in small children and it can help them in various symptoms of common cold, starting from cough to runny nose, and even a small dose can help them have a better night's sleep. It is very important to note that honey should not be given to children younger than 1-year-old.

Lemon is a perfect pairing with honey, especially when it comes to treating cold infections. It is rich in vitamin C and has a very important role in our system, and it has many benefits. One study showed that it could relieve many infections and prevent pneumonia when combined together with zinc. It also reduces phlegm and is rich in bioflavonoids. It is used to cure a common cold. (14)

Ginger gives a warming flavor to this drink and it has been known for its medicinal purposes for centuries. Its active compounds called gingerols are used for treating many ailments starting from the common cold, fever, and sore throats and for morning sickness and nausea

How To Prepare Honey Garlic Lemon Tonic For Cold And Flu?

Ingredients Needed:

  • One organic lemon
  • 1 tablespoon manuka other raw honey
  • One – to two cloves of garlic ( depends on their size)
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: 20 mins

Total Time: 25 mins

Servings: 2


  1. Cut the lemon into calves
  2. In a small pot, place the squeezed lemon juice from one lemon half and keep the juice from the other half for later use
  3. The chopped garlic should sit for around ten minutes. Then, take the cayenne pepper and it to the lemon juice together with the chopped garlic.
  4. Mix all the ingredients with the honey
  5. Pour the whole mixture into the squeezed lemon half and consume it entirely. The lemon squeezed half serves as a cup.

This tonic strengthens your immune system and is great for viral infections. It is always better to mix these ingredients as the honey can take out all the medicinal properties from the other ingredients. 

How To Take This Powerful Tonic

  • You should take it on empty stomach  in the morning or before going to bed ( 1 to 2 teaspoons as prevention or three to 4 teaspoons every hour if you have a cold) 

Garlic And Honey Side Effects

If you take them as supplements, you should consult your health provider as they may cause reactions and side effects for some patients.

Garlic Side Effects

Garlic can provoke allergies, so you should consume it with caution. If you take garlic as a supplement or eat garlic in high doses, it could thin your blood and increase the risk of blood loss. As a result, it should be avoided if you take medications such as blood thinners.

These include:

  • salicylate (Aspirin)
  • warfarin (Coumadin)
  • clopidogrel (Plavix)
  • antiviral drug (saquinavir)  used for the treatment of HIV

Honey Side Effects

If you want to take honey and add it to your daily diet regime,  you should consult your health provider if you have diabetes, as it may increase the levels of sugar in your blood. It is not known to interact with medications, but it can cause allergy in some patients and if you are allergic to pollen, ask your health provider if you can take it. Due to its pollen ingredients, it can trigger some reactions like:

  • dizziness
  • skin reactions
  • coughing
  • arrhythmia
  • vomiting
  • swelling of your throat or face
  • wheezing
  • weakness
  • sweating


  • Superfoods such as garlic and honey come directly from nature and can help us treat various ailments. It is always better to use raw garlic and raw honey as they have a better nutritional profile and are more effective than cooked ones.
  • They even have a better effect when combined as it comes with a garlic honey combination that is believed to make a chemical reaction that is stabilizing the garlic, but it extracts all its antibacterial properties.
  • They both have antibacterial properties and make a very powerful combination to boost your immunity. If you look for a natural and delicious cold remedy, you should try the Honey Garlic Lemon Mixture as it is prepared from all the ingredients that are proven for their antibacterial properties.
  • Honey and Garlic can cause some interactions if taken in high doses and in some people, so you should consult your health provider as they may cause reactions and side effects for some patients.

Sophia Smith

She is a renowned nutritionist and freelance writer whose topics of interest include healthy living and healthy eating. She is passionate about introducing new and delicious healthy meals while balancing her time between cooking and going to the gym. Her mission is to change the life of as many people as she can and make them the best version of themselves.
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