7 Ways to Increase Your Work Productivity

September 27, 2023 • By Felicia Wilson

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7 Ways to Increase Your Work Productivity

Being productive is critical as it implies you can accomplish more within a short time. However, maintaining 100% productivity all the time isn't easy. It might be affected by poor decision-making/ time-estimation skills and burnout. Various productivity obstacles usually require fixes. Discussed below are seven ways to increase your work productivity.

1.   Take brain supplements

Proper brain functioning requires all essential nutrients. While these nutrients can be found in foods that boost brain health, your diet may be insufficient. This is where brain supplements come in. Incorporating them into your daily meals eliminates the nutrient deficiency. Note that supplements shouldn’t replace a healthy diet, but complement it. Considering the different types of brain supplements available, you must be cautious when selecting what to use because not all brands are safe/ trustworthy. When searching for brain supplements, look for the following:

  • Real nutrients: Ensure the supplements have brain health vitamins and macro-nutrients obtained from MIND and Mediterranean food diets
  • Trusted: They should be supported by respected nutritional and medical professionals
  • The breadth of nutrients contained should nurture several brain structure elements and support brain functions
  • Third-party certified: The supplements’ quality and production should be analyzed and certified by an unbiased/ outside organization
  • Responsibly formulated: They should have nothing artificial and must be free of significant allergens

Selecting the best supplements for your brain health requires you to consider what past/ current users say about the product you want to buy. Reading product reviews, such as NZT-48 reviews, can help determine if users see cognitive function improvements like memory/ focus and reduced brain fog. Using these details, you can decide if the brain supplement you want can help better your brain health and eventually productivity.

2.   Eat for brain health

To make your workday productive and raise your performance level, you need excellent concentration and memory. Besides fueling your body, whatever you eat or don’t impact your brain function. Optimum brain function is necessitated by essential vitamins and minerals.

A balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can provide you with the minerals/ antioxidants/ vitamins necessary for memory retention and sharp reasoning. Investing in the MIND diet can help nurture brain health and lower the risk of dementia as its focus is on foods that enhance brain health, such as:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Berries
  • Fish
  • Whole grains
  • Poultry
  • Olive oil
  • Beans

3.   Leverage a daily to-do list

Without a do-to list, a lot of time is wasted determining which tasks to complete first and in what order. Also, your day ends up disorganized and less productive. Daily to-do lists allow you to subdivide your goals/ objectives into achievable tasks and complete vast projects by segmenting them into small assignments. Writing daily activities will enable you to manage your time better and motivate you to do more all through your work day.

Without order, you cannot get much done. Since a to-do list breaks down your tasks into small, manageable chunks, your day becomes orderly, which benefits your productivity. A to-do list makes you accountable to yourself. Ticking tasks off the list can be quite motivating, which makes you keep pushing towards achieving your daily targets. Learn how to create a productive to-do list as this will help you track your daily tasks and better the possibility of accomplishing your goals.

4.   Manage your time well

Poor time management results in:

  • Missed deadlines
  • Low work quality
  • Unhealthy work-life balance
  • Negative professional reputation
  • Increased stress levels

However, managing your time effectively keeps you in charge of your workday. Learning to allocate time to all essential tasks gives you a clear idea of all you must achieve and how long every activity should take. This saves the time that would have been otherwise wasted thinking of the tasks to do and leaving you with enough time to focus on more meaningful activities.

Proper time management enables you to prioritize tasks to ascertain you have sufficient time to handle each project. This betters your work quality because you're not in a hurry to finish tasks ahead of fast-approaching deadlines. Successful time management elevates your focus on work, making you more productive and bettering your performance.

5.   Don’t multitask

Multitasking slows your cognitive processes and may cause you to make mistakes because every time you switch between tasks, the brain must readjust to the new activity, which takes energy and time. handling more than one task simultaneously lowers your attention span, negatively affecting your concentration.

Multitasking isn't good for brain efficiency and mental focus. When you switch between two or more tasks, you’re constantly dividing your attention, meaning you’re not focusing fully on any one activity. Rather than multitasking, concentrate on a single activity at a time and give it your full attention to better your performance.

6.   Leverage task prioritization

Building your task prioritization skills enables you become more productive and helps maximize your time. Prioritizing tasks involves determining the tasks to complete first. It comes in handy especially when you have a long to-do list and aren’t sure where to begin. Prioritization ensures you don’t get overwhelmed by work and enables you to do more in a short time. When done wisely, task prioritization enables you to allocate time based on every task's urgency and importance. This results in better time use and overall time management.

If you struggle to identify the tasks to complete first, you might feel overwhelmed, anxious, and pressured, negatively affecting your performance and output. However, with the right prioritization skills, you can organize your workload and effectively alleviate stress and accomplish more. Task prioritization keeps you focused on important/ urgent work, enabling you to put all your mental focus toward achieving specific objectives. This leads to increased output.

7.   Set attainable goals

Setting SMART goals is among the best ways to boost productivity. This is because goal setting enables you to manage your resources and time well. SMART goal setting keeps you focused and motivated to work toward accomplishing your objectives. When setting goals for productivity purposes, ensure they’re short-term and attainable.


Maintaining good performance and productivity isn't easy. However, identifying and working on what makes you less productive can help. Consider leveraging these options to increase your work productivity.

Felicia Wilson

She is a experienced health nutritionist and dietitian. She is also a writer therefore, she uses her creativity to make exceptional healthy meals that her clients loves.
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