How to tell if you have Allergies or Cold?

August 30, 2019 • By Penelope Torres

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When foreign substances enter your cells, and your immune system reacts abnormally, it is termed to be an allergy. Drugs, food, contact dermatitis, latex, animals, mold, and a lot of other things can cause it. They often can be minimal and do not need any medication or medical care. At times, they are somewhat serious and require anti-allergic medicines. Rarely, they can be anaphylaxis, which is a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. Treating this requires serious and expert medical attention. You might need antihistamines; nasal steroid sprays to clear your nasal cavity, decongestants, and even avoid triggers that you are allergic to permanently.

Catching a cold, aka common cold is a microorganism-based disease. Various kinds of bacteria and viruses are responsible for this. In general, adults can expect two to three colds a year whereas the number of children is much higher. In this case, you can cure yourself by resting, taking a few over-the-counter cold remedies/medicines, and taking a few pain relievers.

Colds and allergies often share similar symptoms; thus, it is difficult for commoners to distinguish between the two. Here are a few pointers to help you differentiate the problem and diagnose it.


Cold and allergies have entirely different symptoms, and if identified in the beginning, can reduce suffering. Cold is most likely to cause symptoms like sore throat, fever, aches and pains, fatigue, and others. Allergies, on the other hand, most likely result in symptoms like itchy eyes and other body parts, wheezing, rashes all over or at a particular part of your body, or pain sensations. You can always opt for ayurvedic medicine for allergic coughs and colds for better results and cures.


One obvious way of knowing whether the symptom is of cold or allergic reaction is by the duration of the symptom. Colds are supposed to be cured automatically by your immune system in a week or so. Acute cases of allergies will not go away until and unless proper medication is taken to remove the trigger altogether. Furthermore, seasonal allergens last for over two to three weeks at a go.

That time of the year

Seasons, climatic changes, and the surrounding biosphere can tell you a lot about whether the symptoms denote allergy or cold. During the autumn, winter, and season-changing months, you are more likely to catch a cold due to a lack of adjustments to the weather. Allergies again are more likely to happen during pollination, dusty, dry months. The Spring season has the maximum chance of allergies, as many people are allergic to pollen, grass, and more. Keeping that in mind, you can take precautions beforehand by carrying a mask or a handkerchief to protect yourself from getting sick.


The occurrence or time of appearance has a lot to say about whether it is an allergy or a cold too. It directly depends on how fast the symptoms appear. If it is a common cold, the symptoms will take some time and occur in a day or two. When it is an allergy, there is a rapid, out of nowhere, and the sudden appearance of symptoms and irritation. Despite the common misconception that cold food/drinks cause the common cold, you might be allergic to a certain food causing allergic reactions. Cold is solely a viral/bacterial infection and had got nothing to do with consumed food.


Sometimes you will noticeably suffer at a particular time, not based on climate or weather but the season. Seasonal allergies are extremely common and can be easily taken care of by taking preventive measures beforehand.

Since these pointers will help you identify whether you are infected by a cold or having an allergic reaction, you should immediately take action. Health is wealth. Whether you have an allergy, cold, or both, consuming Ayurvedic medicines for allergic cough and cold helps you to cure yourself without any hassle or side effects.

Penelope Torres

She is a health blogger that knows exactly what readers expect from her writings on nutrition, health and wellness. She inspires them to act and educate them on nutrition and healthy living using real and scientifically-based facts that support her ideas.
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