Looking For New Ways To Get Naughty In The Bedroom? Try These 7!

June 30, 2019 • By Penelope Torres

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You know that a relationship takes work. However, putting in the effort doesn't need to be tedious. The tips included in the following paragraphs come from real women who have already used them to inject imagination and even whimsical entertainment into their love lives. I'm sworn to secrecy about who they are, but their insights can be helpful to anyone. If you're like many couples, you might only feel truly uninhibited when you book a hotel room, or just when your kids aren't home. You can find more here like paint by numbers for adults. Still, the fact remains it's easiest to schedule your adult play dates when you're at home any evening. Before you let the fun and adventure start, be sure that your bedroom door has a good lock so you'll be free to spice things up without being walked in on.

1) Get Prowling:

If you already have a routine date night, then you can spice it up by freeing your inner naughty girl. Get yourself a good manicure. Consider a deep and even vampy shade for this. If you're up to it, follow it up with a bikini wax. Sometime early in your day, be sure you send your partner or mate a dirty or risque email or text. When you go to dinner, make sure you're wearing slinky lingerie. If you can, let him have a sneak peek at some shockingly bare thighs over your stockings. If that's not possible, take a bathroom break and then hand him your panties when you get back. It's admittedly not ladylike, but it's going to drive him nuts. You might find out just how much fun it is for you too.

2) Have A Quickie:

Unfortunately, you might only have a few minutes to work something in. Write out a quick invitation on a dinner napkin, telling your guy that his presence is required in your home's master bathroom from 8:30 up to 8:45 that evening. As the clock approaches that hour, chill some little splits of champagne in your sink, and light a few candles. Put on a bathrobe and high heels, but only that. When he shows up, your hostessing skills are going to rev him up pretty fast, and the two of you can get it on and done before your kids even notice.

3) Place A Friendly Wager:

Games are supposed to be fun, but they're even better when there's something at stake. Play Scrabble, poker, or even gin rummy. The winner can cash in for rewards ranging from foot massages and back rubs to sexual favors that they choose.

4) Be Sweet With Each Other:

Painting one another with liquid chocolate is a lot more fun than you'd ever imagine, but if that's too messy, just sip some schnapps out of each other's navels. If you want to truly reward good behavior from your partner, put a cherry lifesaver somewhere intimate around 30 minutes before sex. That way, as he explores an area, he gets treated to a fruity surprise. Just take note that mint flavors are not a good idea here.

5) Tell Stories:

Erotica and fantasy are great at stoking romantic fires. Get some romantic literature you can read aloud, or just make up your own sexy stories. You can also just watch scenes from your favorite steam movies to arouse both your libido and imagination. The biggest sex organ of both genders is the brain, so be sure to give it fresh material from time to time. 

6) Try Role-Playing:

I know one couple that routinely uses role-playing to spark their fires. It only takes a few lines of dialogue to create a scenario or fantasy, which you can take even further by dressing for the part. Use tall boots, pirate eye patches, blonde wigs, cowboy hats, or whatever strikes your fancy. Even if you don't get turned on, you can have a great laugh. Shopping the suddenly discounted costume sections of stores the day after Halloween for props and clothes can even be a fun but cheap date.

7) Be Inventive:

If you know any couples who have sex lives that seem better than yours, but you're not sure why it could just be due to how creative they are. Check out the wide variety of urethral sounds to keep him going all night. You need variety to spice things up once in a while. Consider new positions, locations, sex toys, and techniques to try out that you haven't before. If you're open to it, talk to your friends about what they have done lately. You might be amazed at the things that you learn.

Penelope Torres

She is a health blogger that knows exactly what readers expect from her writings on nutrition, health and wellness. She inspires them to act and educate them on nutrition and healthy living using real and scientifically-based facts that support her ideas.
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