Natural Red Wine Face Pack for Smooth Skin

August 9, 2018 • By Sophia Smith

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A lot of people credit healthy lifestyles such as proper diet, exercise, and relaxation in the prolonging of youth. Due to lack of time and resources, people often resort to cheap cosmetic products which often do more harm than good since these cheap products contain harmful chemicals. Investing in quality products like Skinfood will be rewarding to your skin in the long-term, rather than buying the low-quality cosmetic alternatives. (1)

However, becoming beautiful doesn’t have to break the bank and you don’t really have to buy too many quality products. If you don’t have the money to buy quality skin care products then you can use the food items you find in your kitchen. There are a lot of fruits like lemons, oranges, and cucumbers known to be good for the body when ingested, but also when applied to the face. These household food items are readily available and could do wonders for detoxification and beautification.

Drinking by juicing these fruits or applying them to your skin could do wonders for your overall health and well-being. Aside from citrus fruits, did you know that red wine is beneficial for your skin as well? Red wine is an underrated beauty secret with a lot of health benefits as well. It is said that one or two glasses of red wine a day helps in your overall health but too much could be harmful to you.

If you want to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, you can use red wine on its own. It is a natural moisturizer and antioxidant properties present in it reduce the skin related problems. Additionally, red wine helps increase blood circulation in the body and form new cells in the skin, removing the skin on the skin, making the skin soft and soft. Apart from this, red wine also works like antiseptic. It opens the closed pores present in your face, eliminates the bacteria present in the skin, causing the problems of acne less. It also gives a protective layer on your skin.

Many beauty products in the market claim to remove all possible problems of the skin. We cannot say how true the claims are, but organic home remedies can definitely reduce your problems in a natural way. A lot are experimenting on red wine face packs, which are said to not only reduce the problem of wrinkles but also remove other skin related problems. (2)

If you have red wine to spare, you might want to give this beauty hack a try:

You need to prepare half a cup of red wine and two or three spoons of natural honey for the beauty facial pack. Mix both ingredients in a glass bowl and stir until the mixture forms a paste. If the paste is too watery, you can add a bit more honey; and if the paste is too stiff then add a little more red wine. There is no right or wrong measurement as long as the beauty mask sets on your face.

Cleanse and tone your face before applying this mask. This facial mask is difficult to manage alone so make sure that you have a friend to help you with the process. You can also put sliced cucumbers on your eyes for added nourishment to your tired eyes. Apply to the face with a clean rag, sponge or sanitized hand while lying down. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and rinse off with cold water to close the pores (which is why it’s very important to cleanse your face with warm water before this process).

Your skin will feel refreshed and revitalized with just the use of two simple ingredients. Honey is also a well-known skin food. When mixed with sugar, honey acts as a delicious lip scrub. Red wine and honey are not only delicious, but they’re also healthy and good for your skin.

It’s amazing how resourceful people are in terms of using organic and natural products as skin care remedies. This red wine mask is known to act as an anti-oxidant and redness (skin discoloration) reliever; so, the next time you find blotches on your tired skin, you can try this homemade remedy with a friend in a mini spa or sleepover set.

Sophia Smith

She is a renowned nutritionist and freelance writer whose topics of interest include healthy living and healthy eating. She is passionate about introducing new and delicious healthy meals while balancing her time between cooking and going to the gym. Her mission is to change the life of as many people as she can and make them the best version of themselves.
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