Tips Which Will Help You Sleep Better

February 24, 2018 • By Penelope Torres

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choosing mattress

Sleeping has a deep impact on our physical and mental health. Yet people are seen complaining about difficulty in sleeping, which might tamper with their emotional balance, productivity and body weight. But you can win over the same by making small yet significant lifestyle changes as enlisted below.

  • By being in sync with circadian rhythm or the natural sleep-wake cycle of our body, we shall feel more energized and refreshed compared to sleeping for an equal number of hours at different spans of time.
  • Choose a bedtime when you usually feel tired to prevent unnecessary tossing and turning in bed. You won’t feel the requirement of an alarm and can wake up naturally if you are getting sufficient sleep.
  • Napping is undoubtedly one of the best ways to make up for lost hours of sleep. But over napping can worsen the whole scenario by making it extremely difficult to fall asleep at night. Thus early afternoon naps should be limited to a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes.
  • People often feel sleepy before bedtime. In such cases you can engage in mildly stimulating activities such as calling up a friend, washing the dishes or getting clothes ready for wearing to the office the next day. Irrespective of its temptation, make sure not to give in to the drowsiness as it might be troublesome to fall back asleep if you wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.
  • Exposure to light causes our brain to secrete less melatonin hormone whereas dark scenarios heighten up the secretion making us fall asleep. Thus refrain from being exposed to light, especially the ones emitted from mobile phones, laptops and televisions before bedtime as that might trick your brain into believing that it is still daytime hence tampering with your circadian rhythm.
  • Apart from calorie burning, exercise makes it easier for us to fall asleep. It also improves symptoms of sleep apnea and insomnia. Even light exercise like brisk walking for ten minutes can get the ball rolling in your court.
  • Your daytime eating habits can have a big role to play in determining your sleep quality. Caffeine and nicotine are known to cause sleep problems, especially when taken prior to bedtime. Thus, these need to be avoided at all costs. Also, try to avoid having a heavy dinner within two hours of bedtime. Stomach trouble and heartburn might be caused by a direct effect of acidic or spicy food consumption. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol might interfere with your normal sleep cycle once you drowse off. Drinking excess fluid might pave the way for frequent bathroom trips at night thus hampering your sleep. Thus, it is advisable to avoid drinking too much liquid in the evening. Consumption of refined carbohydrates like white rice, bread and pasta might trigger wakefulness during the night, thus pulling you out from restorative stages of sleep.
  • Excessive stress and anxiety can make it extremely difficult to fall asleep. If it gets too much then you can opt for professional help. Otherwise, try to maintain your calmness and composure throughout the day and proceed with a positive outlook towards everything. This is bound to cheer you up and help you sleep better.
  • You can make use of a latex mattress to ensure a good night’s sleep, and prevent backaches.

So, start experimenting with the tips mentioned above to find out what works best for you.

Penelope Torres

She is a health blogger that knows exactly what readers expect from her writings on nutrition, health and wellness. She inspires them to act and educate them on nutrition and healthy living using real and scientifically-based facts that support her ideas.
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