Do You Need Help With Your Addiction? 9 Signs it's Time to Go to Rehab

October 2, 2019 • By Benjamin Wilson

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Do you need help with your addiction? If you are thinking about this question, you should click here to learn when you should go to rehab.

It’s difficult to know when your use of a substance has crossed the line from habit to addiction. Addiction creeps up on you, and even though your habit may have started out responsibly, no one is immune from the throes of a serious addiction. 

So, do you need help? We’re going to explore some of the warning signs that pop up when someone is in need of professional help. Addiction can be confusing, messy, and unpredictable, but there are some tell-tale signs of addiction. 

We’ll take a look at those signs so you can assess your own situation. 

Do You Need Help? 9 Signs of Addiction

Rome Criteria-Just because you show signs of one of the items on this list doesn’t mean you’re facing serious addiction. At the same time, anything on this list should be a concern to you. 

If you’re facing any consequences for your substance use, you should try to cut back or quit altogether. Further, if you’re experiencing multiple items on this list, it may be time to consider the idea that you should seek help. 

It doesn’t hurt to request more info about treatment facilities if you think you may need a little help getting sober. 

Let’s begin.

You Lack Control

There’s a line between, say, drinking responsibly and drinking to get as drunk as possible. Some people can swing through a bar and have one or two drinks before carrying on with their business. 

Others may have trouble stopping when they get started. Further, they may have trouble taking care of their normal business because they’re constantly thinking of drinking. 

If you lack control over your urge to consume drugs or alcohol, this is a strong sign that you should consider making a change. 

Your Finances are in Tatters

A natural progression from lack of control is an inability to manage finances. Addiction is very expensive, and it can be nearly impossible to keep money in order when you’re addicted to a substance. 

If your bank account is empty as a result of your use, this is certainly a red flag. When rent, utilities, and student loans are all past due, it could be time to consider seeking help.

Your Body Is Suffering

Regular substance abuse inevitably leads to physical illness. Most drugs are effectively poisoning you if they’re abused. 

Each drug has particular effects on the body, while all side effects of abuse will lead to more physical ailments if they’re not taken care of. For example, painkiller abuse has the potential to slow your breathing.

Slow breathing and lack of oxygen can lead to severe brain damage. Substances like alcohol operate slowly, making a potentially permanent mark on your heart, liver, and brain. 

Your Relationships Are Strained

It’s fair to say that a person who’s addicted to drugs is a changed person. Emotional regulation, decision-making, and social skills are all altered when a person is under the influence. 

Those side effects will have a huge impact on your close relationships after a while. Whether your friends are asking if you’re ok or you feel that things are different since you started using, consider that your substance use could be damaging your personal relationships. 

You Have Withdrawals

Our bodies get used to regular bursts of serotonin caused by substance use. When that substance is gone, our bodies crave it. Withdrawals are excruciating, difficult symptoms of substance abuse. 

If you continue to use, these symptoms will build and get stronger. Experiencing withdrawals is a sign that your use has developed to a new level of intensity.

You Make Risky Decisions

A classic example of a poor decision made under the influence is drunk driving. Using drugs may cause you to act recklessly, especially when you’re trying to find more of the substance you’re using. 

Getting behind the wheel of a car, getting into an argument with a loved one, or stealing to feed your habit are all serious red flags.

You Sacrifice Your Goals

A hallmark sign of drug abuse is prioritizing using over larger life goals that a person has. This could mean skipping work to get high, putting off saving for a trip because you want to use, or anything else that involves postponing life in order to use drugs or drink.

This one can be easy to justify, as life goals are often long-term and getting high or drunk just takes one night. When the pattern of behavior continues, though, your goals may be entirely forfeited. 

If you notice yourself changing priorities around, this could be a sign that you need help. 

You Aren’t Swayed by Consequences

Sometimes, individuals fail to reconcile with their abuse even after consequences have been given. 

It’s difficult to admit that you have a problem. At the same time, the loss of relationships, jobs, finances, and dreams signifies the fact that your substance abuse requires acknowledgment and additional help.

Consequences of abuse start small. You might get reprimanded slightly for being late to work, your mother might show some disappointment that you weren’t home for a holiday, or you might be a few days late on the rent. 

Those issues grow like weeds as your abuse progresses, though. Keep an eye out for small consequences that could turn into big ones. 

You Can’t Stop

Finally, a clear sign that you need help is that you cannot quit using. 

Many people try to stop drinking or using drugs but find themselves slipping into the same old habits after a week or two. Continuous drug use in the face of efforts to quit should prompt you to think about seeking professional help. 

Treatment is an excellent way to get solid help. While you may have a difficult time quitting something, don’t give up all hope. We’re not all able to give up seriously addictive substances on our own.

Everyone needs help sometimes, and that’s totally okay.

Are You Having Trouble?

So, after reading this article, do you need help? If the answer is yes, consider taking some time and thinking over how you’d like to proceed. 

We have highlighted that substance addiction will have certainly affected your health negatively. Thus, you will most likely need help in this area that is, understanding what it means to stay healthy, in your diet and your overall well being. More so, there may be peculiar health situations depending on the substance used such as weight loss or increased blood pressure. The website Rome Criteria contains a lot of valuable information in these areas; diet recommendations and expert recommendation of drugs and therapies and a very interactive blog too. On this site, you can get all you need in diet, strength and beauty to help you get better. 

If your thoughts lead you to consider a rehab program, explore our site for more information on moving forward. 

Benjamin Wilson

He is a fitness trainer and part-time blogger interested in nutrition and in leading a healthy lifestyle. He writes smart and inspirational articles on nutrition supported by scientific research and his own personal experience in the healthcare industry.
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