
From pregnancy tips and fitness hacks to psychotherapy and cancer care, your journey towards better health starts at Diet of Life. Stay informed and take charge of your well-being today!

Everything You Need to Know about Marijuana’s Role in Chronic Pain

Cannabis has gained widespread acceptance in recent years with 61 percent of Americans, including 74  percent of millennials, reportedly being in favor of legalizing the drug, according to a 2017 survey by Pews Research. Aggressive legalization efforts have certainly contributed to this dramatic... Read More

5 Ways You Can Stay Motivated During Your Recovery Process

They say addiction is a beast. That’s true. But recovery is another monster, in its own way. When you’re in recovery, you’re essentially fighting against yourself. Especially in early recovery, your mind and body are struggling to use again. But to recover successfully, you’ll need to... Read More

3 Most Common Reasons People Turn to Tummy Tuck Surgery

Weight loss is a tough journey, but for some people, it can be ever tougher than for others. Sometimes there are extraneous circumstances that prevent us from losing the weight that we want to, or achieving our desired appearance. In these cases, it is common to turn to cosmetic procedures, such as... Read More

6 home remedies for people living with sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can be stressful and irritating. It causes hinders you from getting enough oxygen to your system while you are sleeping. Sleep apnea can cause complications if not treated early enough. While some cases are as a result of other medical conditions, most patients develop the illness due... Read More

The Flu and You: Natural Remedies and What Really Works

The flu is a devastating illness, and it has been so since the 16th century. For some, the flu merely means a few miserable days spend suffering in bed, but for much of the population — especially the young, the old and the weak — the flu poses a very real health threat, one that... Read More

Select the best gymnastic bar for your junior from the reviews below

Beginners or amateur gymnasts always remain in search of a durable and sturdy gymnastic bar that can be placed inside their home perfectly.  If you are one among those gymnastic or have joined gymnastic classes and wish to select the best gymnastic bar so as to practice at home, then do read this... Read More

How This Morning's Workout Can Boost Energy And Burn Calories

The morning workout that you do can really change the way that you live your life because you can get more energy and burn a lot of calories.  You will feel like a brand new person if you have tried to get in a workout every day, and there are a lot of people who... Read More

Alcohol Detox: What are its primary objectives and goals?

Alcohol Detox refers to the medical intervention to help a patient to safely navigate through the withdraw process after the cessation of drinking. It usually marks the beginning of a comprehensive treatment program for patients living with alcoholism. With the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse... Read More

What is the best routine for natural skin care results?

Cleansers, toners, serums, lotions for your face, and different creams for the night, and creams for your eye areas, plus scrubs, peels and masks – no wonder figuring out how to best look after your skin can feel overwhelming. The good news is it doesn’t have to be so complicated. If you want... Read More

Could Omega 3 Supplements Help Reduce Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders form a category of a mental health diagnosis that causes worry, apprehension, fear, and nervousness. It can appear as a standalone anxiety disorder or as part of another mental disorder like depression. Pharmacological interventions like serotonin reuptake inhibitors can treat... Read More
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